P-03-302 Compost processing plant

Petition wording

We call upon the National Assembly to urge the Welsh Government to call upon the Environment Agency (Wales) to take action to suspend operations at Bryn Composting, Gelligaer until such time as the operators can satisfy the Environment Agency (Wales) that they can resume operations in a way that will end the serious nuisance of odour pollution that blights the lives of local residents currently." 


Link to the petition:http://senedd.assemblywales.org/mgIssueHistoryHome.aspx?IId=900


Petition raised by:  Cllr Hefin David


Number of signatures: 642


Previously considered by the Committee on: 12 October, 16 November 2010, 11 January, 1 March, 29 March, 21 June 2011.


Update: Correspondence has been received from the Petitioner.